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致力于低壓注塑成型工藝及膠粘劑的整體解決方案,我們提供低壓注塑方案設計、低壓注塑設備、低壓注塑模具、低壓注塑PA聚酰胺熱熔膠、低壓注塑納米脫模劑、低壓注塑設備清洗劑及相關(guān)易損部件的系統(tǒng)化服務;專注于精密零部件封裝、保護、防水、密封,公司獲得ISO9001及相關(guān)認證,業(yè)務范圍涵蓋汽車電子、消費電子、通訊、智能家電、光伏PV、新能源等諸多行業(yè)領(lǐng)域。,Committed to the overall solution of low-pressure injection molding process and adhesive, we provide systematic services for low-pressure injection molding scheme design, low-pressure injection equipment, low-pressure injection mold, low-pressure injection PA polyamide hot melt adhesive, low-pressure injection nano release agent, low-pressure injection equipment cleaning agent and related vulnerable parts; Focusing on the packaging, protection, waterproof and sealing of precision parts, the company has obtained ISO9001 and relevant certification. Its business scope covers many industries such as automotive electronics, consumer electronics, communicati... [詳細介紹]